How Alcohol Effects Women and Men Differently

Jun 26, 2024

It’s Alcohol Awareness Month and it’s important for those who drink to understand the risks associated with high and low alcohol usage. There’s also a reason why the recommendations for moderate drinking vary significantly for men and women. Women are advised to consume 1 or less alcoholic beverages per day while men are advised to have 2 or less alcohol beverages per day.

This recommendation is primarily due to the biological differences in women and men, such as body structure, that often causes women to absorb more alcohol, in turn making the metabolism work harder and take longer. Even when equal amounts of alcohol are consumed, the short-term effects from alcohol are typically seen faster in women and for a longer amount of time.

In a previous study, nearly 49% of the women surveyed admitted they consumed alcohol in the last 30 days compared to 58% of men. Yet, since the male and female’s ability to break down alcohol is vastly different, women are ultimately at a higher risk of seeing harsh long-term effects in their health.

Alcohol effects on women:

Liver health – Women have a higher chance of developing liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, and other similar conditions to the liver from alcohol.

Brain health – Brain shrinkage and cognitive decline from alcohol drinking occurs faster in women compared to men.

Breast cancer – Women who drink alcohol have an increased risk of developing breast cancer, even if they are light drinkers.

Heart health – Women who drink alcohol heavily are more likely to have damaged heart muscles, over a shorter duration of years and at lower levels than men who drink.

Alcohol effects on men:

Car accidents – Of the motorists who are involved in a fatal car crash, there is a 50% higher chance that the men were intoxicated.

Hospitalizations – Men are more likely to be hospitalized due to alcohol consumption compared to women.

Suicide – Suicide is at least three times more likely to occur in men than with women. There are also greater chances that alcohol is involved with male suicide.

Are you concerned alcohol could be affecting your health? Do you need help decreasing your alcohol consumption? Talk with your primary care provider and learn how to reduce your risk of serious conditions and develop healthy habits that work best for you!

To schedule an appointment, please click here.

Regardless of the date published, no content on this website should ever be used as a replacement for direct medical advice from your primary care provider or another qualified clinician.

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