Facts You Should Know About Allergies

Oct 01, 2024

Allergies are a seasonal or year-round nuisance for many. If you’ve experienced allergies before, you’re already familiar with the itchy and runny nose, watering eyes, constant sneezing and tickly throat – but there are also a number of myths about allergies that tend to go around. Here are five facts you should know about allergies!

Myth: Allergies aren’t as common in Dallas, TX compared to other places. 

Fact: In 2023, Dallas, TX has been ranked #2 out of the most challenging places to live amongst 99 other cities in the U.S.  This city is reported to have below-average scores for all allergy medicine use and pollen.

Myth: If I haven’t had reactions to any common food allergens by now, I won’t ever have any allergic reactions in the future.

Fact: The most common allergic reactions related to food are often eggs, milk, crustaceans shellfish (such as shrimp, crab or lobster), fish (such as flounder, cod or bass), soybeans, wheat, tree nuts (such as walnuts, pecans or almonds) and peanuts. However, this group of typical allergens only accounts for 90% of food allergies in America.

Myth – Allergies normally just occur in the spring.

It’s true that allergies are very common in the spring, however each season of the year is accompanied by a different group of allergens. Therefore, for some people, allergies can occur all year long.

Here is a list of the most common allergies to expect by season:

  • Winter – Dust mites, mold and pet dander
  • Spring – Tree pollen
  • Summer – Grass pollen
  • Fall – Weed pollen and mold

Myth: Allergies only develop in childhood.

Fact: Many children can develop allergies in their younger years, but it’s also completely normal for adults to start having allergic reactions later on down the line.

Myth: Most people with allergies usually don’t need to seek medical attention.

Fact: Over 100 million people in America are faced with allergy concerns every year. Nearly 90,000 visits to the emergency room are a result of severe allergic reactions yearly in the U.S.

Don’t let allergies get you down

One of the most effective ways to have relief from allergies is to take preventative measures before allergy season begins. If you have a known allergy you are encouraged to partner with your primary care provider to start a personalized treatment plan to get your allergies under control ahead of time and reduce severe reactions.

To schedule an appointment, please click here.

Regardless of the date published, no content on this website should ever be used as a replacement for direct medical advice from your primary care provider or another qualified clinician.




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