Cancer Prevention: Top Tips to Lower Your Risk

Jun 26, 2024

While specific causes and risk factors for cancer look different for everyone, it’s important to understand what you can control to reduce your chances of developing cancer. According to American Association for Cancer Research, more than 40% of all diagnosed cancers and almost half of all cancer-related deaths in the U.S. are connected to causes that can be prevented. Common preventable causes that have been linked to cancers are obesity, extreme sun exposure, tobacco use, lack of physical activity, an unhealthy diet and alcohol consumption.

Find out more about lifestyle habits that make an impact on cancer risk factors.

Preventative measures you can take:

Smoking – Aside from lung cancer, tobacco use is also linked to causing 17 other types of cancer. Completely cutting out the use of tobacco is the safest way to decrease your risk of developing health conditions from smoking.

Alcohol consumption – Drinking alcoholic beverages increases the risk of developing six different types of cancer. According to the American Association for Cancer Research, even the modest use of alcohol may increase your cancer risk. If you do choose to consume alcohol, the CDC recommends consuming no more than 2 drinks a day for men and no more than 1 drink a day for women.

Sun exposure – Skin cancer is the most common cancer throughout the U.S., 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Learn the facts about proper sun safety here and take the opportunity to discuss changes in your skin and get an initial skin screening from your provider at your annual physical!

Diet – Making smart food choices is key for maintaining great health and can help protect you from developing chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Learn all about our top tips for incorporating healthy eating and nutrition in your daily routine here.

Bodyweight and physical activity – Did you know that being overweight or obese increases your chances of developing 15 different types of cancer? It’s extremely beneficial to establish a routine that makes physical activity a priority for your health. In addition to practicing healthy habits, partnering with a primary care provider or nutritionist can give you the support and direction you need to achieve your goals. We have registered dieticians that are ready to help you achieve your nutritional goals through education, support and collaboration with your primary care provider.

Take action in your health today.

There are many life-threatening cancers that annual physicals can help prevent or detect in the early stages before they become advanced. Take the next step in staying on top of your health and schedule your annual physical today.

Click here to partner with a dedicated primary care provider today.

Regardless of the date published, no content on this website should ever be used as a replacement for direct medical advice from your primary care provider or another qualified clinician.

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