What should be included in my child’s asthma protection plan?

Jun 26, 2024

An Asthma Action Plan is a personalized written plan you create with your child’s pediatric care provider that should be used as a guide to help keep their asthma under control. The plan usually consists of warning signs of worsening symptoms, medications that are being taken and what to do in the case of an emergency. It’s also important to share this plan with your child’s caregivers, school staff, coaches and anyone else who supervises them when you’re not around.

To learn more about how to create an Asthma Action Plan that is specific to your child’s needs follow the guide below!

Getting started

The first step is to make an appointment with your child’s pediatric care provider to discuss their health history and determine the best plan of care going forward. Once you consult with them, here are the key things to make sure to incorporate into your child’s custom Asthma Action Plan:

  • A list of medications your child takes
  • Triggers that make your child’s asthma worsen
  • Specific medications that should be taken based on the symptoms displayed
  • A list of symptoms that signal an asthma flare-up
  • What symptoms require urgent medical assistance
  • Emergency contacts and phone numbers for you, your child’s pediatric care provider and nearest hospital

Asthma medications

Your child’s Asthma Action Plan should be very clear about which medications your child needs to take and when, including directions for what do to do when they feel completely normal, when symptoms begin to appear and what to do during a flare-up. Don’t forget to be specific about dosages and time frame medicines should be taken.

Do you need a personalized Asthma Action Plan for your child?

All of our patients who have asthma or a history of asthma are encouraged to meet with a pediatric provider from our team. Regular follow-ups with your child’s pediatric care provider is also key to keeping their asthma in check! We want you to have confidence knowing your child’s Asthma Action Plan is up to date and ensure that you are fully stocked on all medications necessary to properly manage their asthma.

Schedule an appointment to build your child’s Asthma Action Plan by clicking here.

Regardless of the date published, no content on this website should ever be used as a replacement for direct medical advice from your primary care provider or another qualified clinician.

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