We put the health of our community first. Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children from accidents, and it only takes less than a minute.
We want your family to remain safe this summer, so it’s important to stay alert and keep your guard up even if your kids are experienced swimmers.
Here are a few tips to remember the next time you take your children out for a swim.
Grab a buddy – Never let you child go swimming alone and without adult supervision. It’s always good to have someone available to quickly get help if an accident occurs.
No dangerous games – Don’t play games to see who can hold their breath the longest underwater. It’s important that your children understand potentially harmful games with others should not be played while swimming.
Swim lessons – Parents are encouraged to ensure their child has the proper swim knowledge, whether that may be teaching them yourself or enrolling your children in age-appropriate lessons.
No head dives – As fun as they may seem, swimmers (especially inexperienced) should stay away from doing head dives. A sure way to reduce the risk of accidents when swimming is to enter the water feet first. Additionally, never dive in what you can’t see through as you may have idea what’s beneath the surface.
Supervision – Have at least one adult fully dedicated to supervising any children swimming. This way, there is no confusion about who is responsible for making sure everyone stays safe in the water. Additionally, don’t let a child be responsible for another child. Adult supervision is the safest route.
Safety Zones – Whether at a home pool or in public, make sure your children understand where the safe zones are. When in pool or hot tub areas, children should stay away from pool drains.
Life vests – Always put a life vest on children who don’t feel the most confident about swimming. No matter the swimmer, life vests should also be worn when boating or in large or natural bodies of water such as oceans, rivers and lakes as powerful currents could occur at any time in open water.
Learn CPR – This is an invaluable skill that may someday come in handy to help someone in the case of an emergency.
Protect your skin – SPF is a must, and even more so on a hot summer day. The harsh rays from the sun are considered to be the strongest from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, so be sure to apply sunscreen to children and yourself. Then don’t forget to reapply!
Safety First – In public swimming areas (such as beaches or lakes), stay in the designated swimming zones for visitors and in the presence of a lifeguard. If water levels or waves become unsafe, you’ll want to be the first to know.
Teach your kids the importance of these tips and why they matter. Practicing safer swim habits as a family will help to protect your loved ones while in the water and provide greater peace of mind that they have more protection, while also preventing far fewer accidents and injuries.
Regardless of the date published, no content on this website should ever be used as a replacement for direct medical advice from your primary care provider or another qualified clinician.