Aging Gracefully Is a Mindset and a Practice

Jun 26, 2024

With Summer Over, It’s Time For All Of Us To Engage In Better Habits

Did you know the numbers of Americans over 40 is growing exponentially every year? It used to be just Baby Boomers with grey hairs, but now Generation X is 41 to 56 years old. As we age it is important to stay active while maintaining healthy habits. With summer over, people young and old are starting new projects, so take a minute to consider what self-improvement changes you’d make if you could.

Need some inspiration?

Here are 7 Tips to Stay Nimble in the Second Half of Life

Get Moving – Exercise can be as simple as gardening, mowing the lawn or walking fifteen minutes a day. For those more active folks, try tennis or take a yoga class to improve your flexibility and balance. It’s a great workout for your body and mind.

Feed Your Body – As we age, our metabolism slows, so we need fewer calories. That means cutting down on processed foods and amplifying your fresh fruits and vegetables intake. It’s a great way to feel full without ingesting a lot of calories.

Stay Engaged Socially – More people are living alone today, which can lead to a myriad of health issues. Make a point to talk to someone daily, it will improve your mood. Get outside, and plan social activities you can look forward to, even if it’s just a Facetime call with your family. We all need each other so, don’t isolate yourself.

Never Act Your Age – Think back: what was the best year of your adult life? Picture yourself at that age and be that person. Stay youthful by volunteering at the school to meet young people and stay current. Consider it positive thinking. It will help you feel better about yourself.

Fire Up Your Brain Cells  Having an active mind reduces the stress that comes with aging, so never stop learning, it will keep your brain chemistry healthy. Who says you can’t take up a new hobby at your age? While genetics play a role when it comes to aging, mindset does as well.

See Your Doctor – Know yourself and your body well enough to detect if there is something out of the ordinary. Don’t wait if you have symptoms, make an appointment with one of our physicians as many diseases can be prevented when caught early.

Find Your Creativity – Who says taking music or art lesson is for kids? Have you always wanted to play the guitar? Paint a portrait of your dog? Sign up now for fall art or music classes and discover the artist inside you.

Thanks to improvements in modern medicine, most of us will live longer lives than our parents, so it’s never too late to discover a new career, hobby or passion. Remember, you’re not getting older, you’re getting better.

Regardless of the date published, no content on this website should ever be used as a replacement for direct medical advice from your primary care provider or another qualified clinician.

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